
Health And Safety Policy

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our workers and for contractors and visitors to the workplace.

This will be achieved by;

  • The adoption and promotion of the provisions and compliance of the relevant legislation. 
  • Significant importance being placed on the areas of hazard/risk management and injury prevention strategies.

We understand the creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment is a major part of our overall responsibilities, and that all workers with management or supervisory responsibilities are personally accountable for the health and safety of workers and visitors in their specific work areas.

In conjunction with this policy, individual safe work procedures, risk assessments and safe work method statements have been prepared in consultation with relevant workers and issued. 

We expect workers, at all levels within the organisation, including contractors and visitors to our workplaces, to follow safe work practices as prescribed under the legislation and in our policies and procedures.  They shall make every effort to eliminate work related injuries and illness to themselves and others. 

We will provide adequate resources, including regular training on work health and safety to manage and maintain the system, fulfil measurable objectives and targets, and provide and promote rehabilitation.
We constantly strive for continual improvement to our system, which has been based upon AS/NZS 4801. 

Work Health and Safety is important and we all have an obligation to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.  We encourage everyone to actively participate so that we may achieve this goal.

 This policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis. 

 Electrical ContinuityGroup Pty Ltd